A Beginner Guide to VI-Editor

A Beginner Guide to VI-Editor

In this blog, we will understand how the VI Editor works in Linux. There are many ways to edit files in Unix. The VI-editor also has an improved version called "vim" editor which stands for "VI" improved editor.


vi <filename>


Step 1:

Let us create a new file with name "alpha.txt".

% vi alpha.txt

This will open vi-editor as shown below:

Step 2:


"aplha.txt" 0L, 0B

Step 3

In order to insert any text, press "i" key. Enter few lines.

Hi, How are you?
I am fine, thank you!
-- INSERT --

Step 4:

Press "Esc" key in order to leave the "insert" mode.

Step 5:

Let's save the file by pressing "Shift", ":" and "wq" as shown below:

hi how are you
i am fine

This will save our file on the Linux system.

Please note: If you want to quit the vi editor without saving the content then, press ":q!".