In this blog post, we will learn about Linux file system hierarchy concepts. Files and Directories are organized into a single-rooted inverted tree structure. The filesystem begin at the "root" directory, represented by a lone "/" (forward slash) character. Names are case-sensitive and paths are delimited by a "/".
mkdir <directory name>
cd <directory name>
Let us try to create a file system structure as shown in the following format:
└── India
└── Karnataka
└── Bangaluru
└── South-Bangaluruu
Follow the below commands to create such file/directory structure:
% mkdir Asia
% cd asia
% mkdir India
% cd India
% mkdir Karnataka
% cd Karnataka
% mkdir Bangaluru
% cd Bangaluru
% mkdir South-Bangaluruu
% cd ../../..
% tree
└── India
└── Karnataka
└── Bangaluru
└── South-Bangaluruu
4 directories, 0 files